Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

Camber & Toe in RC Drift

Maybe, one of you dosn't know what's camber positive, camber negative, toe in, toe out. Im here to tell you what's that mean from that thing. I mean, how hard can it be?? :D

1. Camber
Camber serves to make your RC Drift easy to slide. There's two type of camber, that's camber positive and camber negative. Camber positive make's your car have a better grip, and camber negative make's your car have a better slide.

For Drift, i recomend more front camber and less rear camber. It's make your car easy to slide, and has a better drifting, when you have better drifting you have a better smile, when you have better smile a better girl will intresting to you, and you live will be better just because more camber in front :D

2. Toe
Toe serves to make your car has a balance and
make your car mercurial. there's two type of Toe, that's Toe In and Toe Out.

in RC Drift, i suggest you to make your rear whell Toe in, it will make yor car more balance, and more stability without using a stabilizer kit.

So thats is explanation of camber and Toe.. Is that hard?? I dont think so :D
Good Luck!!

*in this moment, i got that picture from other website. And i apologized for take the picture without permission. thanks 

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